7 billion investments in Nepal from US

Altogether 322 industries of USA have gained license to open industries, which worth 7 billion, 33 crore and 30 lakh, in different sectors of Nepal. According to Department of industry (DoI), most of American investment projects are on Service Sector, targeting on Software industry.

Among 322 American industries, 148 industries, which worth 2 billion 69 crore 70 lakh, target ‘Service sector’ lakh, 70 industries that worth 2 billion 10 crore 30 lakh aims on ‘Manufacturing sector’ and 80 industries that worth 1 billion 2 crore 10 lakh target ‘Tourism sector’. Likewise, 3 industries that worth 1 billion 28 crore 70 lakh in Power sector, 20 industries which worth 29 crore 20 lakh in ‘Agriculture and forestry sector’ and 1 industry that worth 1 Crore in ‘Construction sector’, have already taken permit from Department of industry till Jestha, 2073. All together 16 thousand 293 job opportunities are expected to be created from those industries establishment.

As of now from 2046, total of 3,578 foreign industries from 87 nations have already obtained permission to invest in Nepal. Among those industries, Indian industry has got highest number of permission, then China and the USA on third to get licenses to establish industries in Nepal.

Additionally, director general of Department of industry, Maheshwor Neupane, said that the department is adopting with online mechanism to ease the application process for foreign investors.