ADB-supported projects taking momentum   

Kanchanpur, May 9 . The Asian Development Bank (ADB)-supported regional urban development project implemented in three municipalities and one sub-metropolitan city of the Far-west state has started taking momentum.

The project is implemented with Rs 9 billion concessional loan from the ADB. Six small projects have been planned for the current fiscal year under this scheme. Accordingly, projects worth Rs 50 million in Bhimdatta municipality, projects worth Rs 21.3 million in Shuklaphanta municipality, projects worth Rs 30 million in Godawari municipality and projects worth Rs 60 million in Dhangadhi sub-metropolitan city have been forwarded, Shyam Chandra Budhathoki, deputy manager of the Ptoject Implementation Unit, Dhangadhi branch, said.

He said the construction of the big projects would be started from this year and the projects would be completed in the coming three years.

According to him, construction of roads and drains and integrated waste management zones has been started in all the four municipalities. Similarly, the process for awarding contract for construction of modern office buildings has been initiated in Godawari and Shuklaphanta municipalities.

Construction of a 10.2 kilometres road in Dhangadhi sub-metropolitan city and a 16.9 kilometres road in Godawari has been initiated. Likewise, an 8 kilometres road is being constructed in Shuklaphanta municipality.

The failure to determine the location where the centre would be built in Dhangadhi and Bhimdatta municipalities has created uncertainty, deputy manager Budhathoki said. “A sample survey was carried out for sewage sludge management in all the four municipalities, while cost estimation is underway.”

Long-term urban development plan and land integration work are also being carried out in all the four municipalities. For the project, a fund of Rs. 3 billion each has been allocated for Dhangadhi and Bhimdatta, two billion for Godavari and Rs one billion for Shuklaphanta municipality.

Another Rs. 7 billion has been allocated for the larger project and Rs. 2 billion for performance-based programme. For the large project, the Asian Development Bank has agreed to fund 70.8 per cent of the total cost while the Government of Nepal and the municipalities contribute 28.8 and 0.4 per cent respectively.

The project is estimated to be completed in five years after starting from September 2017. It is expected to complete in 2022.