Aircraft makes emergency landing after being hit by bird

Chitwan, May 27. A jet stream aircraft of the Yeti Airlines made an emergency landing this afternoon after it hit a bird soon after takeoff.

The aircraft had only reached above Rijal chowk of Bharatpur after taking off at 4:10 pm when its propellers hit a bird, and was returned back to the same airport for an emergency landing, according to Yeti Air Bharatpur Manager Rajesh Singh.

The aircraft with call sign 9N AIS was carrying 22 passengers from Bharatpur to Kathmandu. Captain Ramesh Shrestha decided to make an emergency landing after realizing that the plane had hit a bird. The aircraft landed safely with no damage whatsoever, Singh said.

A second aircraft of Yeti Airlines flew the passengers to Kathmandu. Meanwhile, engineers are examining the aircraft to determine the damage caused and necessary repair.