Audit and pesticides management Bills approved

Kathmandu, Feb 18 . Today’s meeting of the House of Representatives (HoR) has endorsed the Audit Bill, 2075.

The bill was tabled by the Minister for Finance Dr Yuvraj Khatiwada in the meeting seeking its approval.

Minister Khatiwada had responded to the queries raised by the lawmakers on the bill. He said that the bill was developed to make the auditing system of international standard and to properly utilize the taxpayers’ money.

Similarly, another bill on pesticides management, 2075 tabled by the Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development Chakra Pani Khanal was also approved by the meeting.

Minister Khanal shared that the federal government and provincial government was working out to make the Karnali Province as the pesticides and chemical fertilizer free province. The next meeting of the HoR is scheduled to be held at 2:00 pm on Wednesday.