Off Beat

Onion Scalp Treatment for hair loss

Many people seek treatment for hair loss forcosmetic reasons. If you experience hair loss, your first thought is probably about what you can do...

Tips for Glowing Skin

A young looking skin builds up people's confidence level and increases personality. A glow on the skin communicates a healthy you from inside and...

Way to get attractive lips

Attractive lips increases the beauty of the persons. Grtting an attractive lips can be done with the following few steps.   ·         Pink lips 2 ounces...

Could You Be Addicted to Shopping?

Shopping may seem like a harmless activity. Perhaps the only downfall: your empty wallet. But for some people, shopping can turn into an addiction....

New year, new you- how to be happy

New year, new you- how to be happy What’s top of your list of new year resolutions for 2016? Do more exercise? Eat better? Spend...

Lipstick causes cancer

When it comes to makeup, lipstick is perhaps one of the more crucial elements to looking fabulous.however the recent study done by Americas California...

Rare bird found in RARA

Pokhara, July 1 - A bird belonging to the most rare species in the world has been identified inside the Rara National Park in...

Aloe Vera Face Pack for Glowing skin

July, 12 - Aloe Vera is a commonly used ingredient in herbal concoctions, medicines and cosmetics. Following the few Aloe Vera face pack steps...

Painkillers can increase heart attack:Research

Painkillers can increase heart attack risk: Oxford Researchers High doses of two common painkillers, used by millions of Indians, taken over a long period of...

what colours tells about your personality

Colors can tell a lot about one’s personality. Color tests have been around for a long time and we think they can be a...

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