

Why Sri Lanka And Pakistan Praise Bangladesh?

Five excellent articles praising the ‘Bangladesh Economic Rise Model’ were published in the Pakistan’s major leading dailies recently. Normally Pakistani media outlets don’t publish...

Will Nepal become the next Sikkim if Deuba remains as the Prime Minister?

Laxmi Thapa Former Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli recently claimed that he was removed from power last year after his government published a new...

Bangladesh Needs Both The USA And China

Bangladesh needs both the USA and China. Now, Bangladesh and the Bay of Bengal get attention from world powers. US, UK, China, India and...

“A separate authority is needed to govern realty sector”

The number of transactions related to the real estate sector went down by a staggering 56 per cent in the last fiscal 2022/23. The...

‘We are thankful to our Mi Fans in Nepal’

Xiaomi is one of the fastest growing smartphone companies, what do you say is the key to its success? At Xiaomi, our mission is to...

Extrajudicial Killings, Targeted Killings and Drone Strike: The US Geopolitics of Humanity?

Anwar Al-Awlaki, a radical cleric and Al Qaeda propagandist, was the first United States (US) citizen to be killed in a 'Targeted Killing' by...

An unprofessional Budget by a professional finance minister

Finance minister Dr. Prakash Saran Mahat presented a lengthy fiscal year 2080/81 budget in the parliament yesterday. The budget summarizes the challenges in the...

Cementing Bangladesh-Northeast India relations and connectivity for ensuring a win-win situation

. Dr. Arpita Hazarika Former director-general of Indian NSG (National Security Guard), Jayanto Narayan Choudhury said recently that the security challenges India faced in its northeastern...

Geopolitical Significance of the West Asia Region, the Israel-Gaza Conflict, and Potential Consequences

The Geopolitical, Economic, and Strategic Significance of West Asia  West Asia, also known as Western Asia or Southwest Asia, is the westernmost subregion of the Asian...

Five million foreign tourists should be our target

-By Shashi Kant Agrawal "It will not be trotting out an old cliche to say that Nepal reserves immense potential in tourism. With its splendid...

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