Facebook testing a new feature, change the name in the new profile

Agency, july 16. Meta has brought a new feature for Facebook users. Now users will be able to create maximum 5 profiles from a single Facebook account. This new feature of Facebook is currently in testing.

According to the report, beta users involved in testing are getting the service to create five profiles from a single account and in the new profile that will be created, you will not even need to tell your real name. You will also be able to comment on a post by hiding your identity.

However, this feature can also increase the risk of increasing spam. According to Meta, new profiles created will also have to follow Facebook’s policy. If you violate the policy with your other profile, your main account will also be affected.

Regarding the new feature, Facebook says that this will give users a separate category feed with a different identity, if a user is interested in both games and travel, then he will be able to create profiles according to these two categories and follow people. .

Public figures or companies are already getting the facility to manage multiple profiles simultaneously. Meta’s attempt to increase engagement on the world’s largest social network is showing slow growth, especially among younger users. Facebook has been given the option of multiple profiles in the past too, but it was limited. The company also gives users the opportunity to create separate profiles for dating or college.

While launching student profiles in the year 2020, the company had said that users will be able to better connect with others according to their preferences and they will get a different experience from the main social feed. With multiple profiles, Facebook hopes that users will be able to create an identity related to their choice. For example, there will be different profiles for interests like gaming, travel, or food. All these profiles must comply with Facebook’s Content Policy.

The social media company has made it clear that due to the test, the method of counting its monthly or daily active users will not change. The company will not count different profiles as separate users so that transparency is maintained during the earnings report. The change related to multiple profiles is currently in the testing phase and only select users in countries other than the US are getting the benefit. The company has not confirmed its rollout.

The company is also going to give a better option to organize and access Facebook groups soon. Both group admins and users will get the benefit of the new features and they will be shown the options related to it in the new sidebar. Joining, leaving groups and staying updated will be easy with the sidebar visible in the Facebook app. In the sidebar, users will be shown a list of all the groups they are a part of.

Just last month, Meta launched its wallet for Metaverse and Web3, a universal payment mode. The name of this payment system of Meta is Meta Pay, through which in addition to Metaverse, normal payments can also be made. Meta Pay is the new version of Facebook Pay.

Regarding Meta Pay, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta said in one of his posts that, “We have launched a wallet for Metaverse that allows you to make payments in a secure way.” He said Proof of Ownership will become more important in Web3 as creators work on digital clothing, art and video for a realistic-looking Metaverse experience. This may require that something purchased in one part of the Metaverse be offered on another platform with similar functions and features. Blockchain-based Web 3 is being touted as the next round of the Internet. Cryptocurrencies and NFTs may have a major stake in this.