Federal government to only implement projects worth more Rs 30 million

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ has announced that the federal government will only implement the projects having more than Rs 30 million in budget. “This is intended to give a direct sense of development to the people and to end duplications in the projects among the three tiers of government: local, provincial and centre,” he said while addressing the inaugural session of the 20th establishment day and National Council meeting of Press Centre Nepal here yesterday.

The PM also divulged that preparations are going on to bring the new budget policy and programmes for the upcoming fiscal year with the collaboration of all stakeholders. Saying that the budget, and policy and programmes unveiled unilaterally did not bode well in the past, the PM shared that massive consultations will be carried out now with the civil society, politicians, people’s representatives and other stakeholders to bring the budget.

According to him, the new budget will focus on the completion of the running projects and only then invest in the new ones. “The addition of new projects unveiled without completing the previous ones has merely created a debt trap.” The PM was of the view that production and employment generation would be focused on the new budget. “And, the government is preparing to again operate the closed industries in the country,” PM Prachanda informed. “The government plans to run the Biratnagar Jute Mill, Hetauda Textile Industry, Gorakhkali Tyre Industry and Butwal Yarn Industry in the first phase.”