Forma advanced technology tractor launched in Nepal

Kathmandu, Nov 18 . SC FORMA SA is a 75 year old company in the Agricultural and Automotive Domain with a traditional European legacy . It is based in Romanian township of Botosani and is registered on the Romanian stock exchange. FORMA brand for the world owned by India with tremendous confidence in the DNA of the brand.FORMA is being built in India with European Technology and exported to the world.

Yeti Technic farm pvt ltd sister concern ofKrishi Group(SoleAuthorized importer and distributor of Forma Tractor for Nepal) takes on the responsibilities in agriculture, health, education and service sector all under one roof. We carry an initiative on enterprise and entrepreneurship to improve the quality of the communities specially in agriculture and as we serve and become a trusted business partner.Available PRODUCT

 Head of Intl Business India Mr Ajay Mallik presented Forma Brand and its vision mission .MrTej Bikram Thapa Chairman ( Krishi Group)Krishi Group and its sister concern Yeti Techinc farm Pvt. Ltd. has a strong network of sales and service outlets across Nepal to serve the customers seamlessly .Mr Krishna GC-executive  Director welcomed all guest and  Forma Tractor was launched by Honorable Finance Minister Janardan Sharma as a Chief Guest . Various Dignitaries of Nada and other associations also attended the event . We hand overed key of few tractors to our pre booker customer during the event.