Irate locals padlock Palpa Cement Industry

PALPA, DECEMBER 24: Locals have padlocked Palpa Cement Industry operated by controversial businessman Binod Chaudhary. They did so yesterday as it turned a deaf ear to their repeated plea to show the needed environmental and social sensitivity. The industry is situated at Somadi, Raunadevi Chhahara Rural Municipality in the Palpa district

According to sources, the industry had/has not only been negligent in managing production-related toxic substances but also in arranging basic sanitation facilities such as toilets for employees.   Because of this, the entire area of Somadi was/is polluted. As such, the local people had appealed to the industry management time and again to take the necessary measures to resolve the problem.

Nevertheless, as the management continued to disregard the very appeal, the irate locals restored to padlocking the industry. They have warned that the industry will not be allowed to resume its operations until their concerns are addressed.

Notably, some 4 years back too, the locals had padlocked the Palpa Cement Industry as its owners buried a canal used for irrigating their farming fields.