Market price hike on eve of festivals rile NA members

Kathmandu, Sept 23 . The members in the National Assembly have demanded the government attention towards well management of public vehicles and control of price hike and artificial shortage during festivals. They advised the government not to repeat mistakes of the past governments.

They were airing their views in a special hour of the Upper House session today. Khimlal Bhattarai took the time to draw the attention of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport to ensure regular and smooth operations of transport sector across the country. Rise in the prices of vegetables and a shortage of fuel on the eve of festivals should be addressed.

Radheshyam Adhikari expressed his concern over the call by some leaders in the ruling parties through media seeking courts’ support to the government. He accused the government of making judiciary as an aide to the ruling parties. He urged the government not to repeat the mistake of the previous government in the name of impeachment while Pramila Kumari insisted on the implementation of agreement reached with the Federal Socialist Forum party.

Brishesh Chandra Lal spoke of the need of upgrading the Janakpur Airport and Ram Narayan Bidari expressed his dissatisfaction over the protest of the constitution by the province ministers.

Sher Bahadur Kunwar stressed on the need of the federal government’s assistance to the province and local governments to construct the Upper Karnali Hydropower Project. Local people are ready to invest 50 percent share in the project, according to him.
Komal Oli expressed her discontent over the decision of increasing public transport fare by 10 percent on the eve of festivals, underlining the need of implementation of a scientific fare rate.

Thagendra Prakash Puri, Nanda Chapai, Khemraj Nepali and Ramprit Paswan were among those lawmakers seeking the respect to creative writers and literati.