Trekking route construction in limbo    

Myagdi, April 15 . The construction of MONA-Beni-Lovely Hill trekking route in Myagdi has been in the sorry state of affairs.

It has been operated in tripartite partnership among local government, Diaspora community and private sector.

The construction of trekking route from Beni to popular tourism spot Lovely Hill has come to a halt for the past one month.

Owing to mistrust and misunderstanding among the partners, the construction of trekking route has come to a standstill.

Beni municipality in collaboration with Myagdi Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Myagdi Overseas Nepali Association (MONA) was constructing the route for tourism promotion.

Mistrust among the partners came to fore when the users’ committee formed for the purpose handed its responsibility to a contractor.

The municipality and MONA have expressed displeasure after Uttam Kumar Karmacharya, Chair of Myagdi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Association, also the chair of the user committee, handed over the responsibility of trekking route construction to second party.

However, Chair Karmacharya said the route construction was put to a halt with the labourers being mobilised in Beni Bazaar Protection Project.

Only 350 metres out of 677-metres trekking route has been constructed so far, informed Beni municipality’s engineer Bimal Ranjan Karki. Rs 7.6 million has been estimated for the construction of the trekking route with rallying in both left and right sides.An agreement was signed to construct the trekking route with 50 %, 40 % and 10 % investments from municipality, MONA and Association.  RSS