Karnali Province government approves People’s Housing Programme Work Procedure

Surkhet, Feb 16 . The Karnali Province government has approved the People’s Housing Programme Implementation Work Procedure.

A meeting of the Karnali Province government Council of Ministers convened today endorsed the work procedure to implement the programme. The programme was prepared by the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development.

Although the centre handed over the programme to the province, the programme had not come into implementation due to the lack of the work procedure.

The central government had been running this programme for constructing houses for the people of the dalit, underprivileged, Muslim, endangered and highly marginalized communities free of cost. The programme was introduced and implemented since fiscal year 2066/067 BS.

Minister for Physical Infrastructure Development, Khadka Bahadur Khatri said the uncertainty over the People’s Housing Programme was over now with the introduction of the work procedure. He added that projects already selected by the central government and some projects selected by the province government would be forwarded as per the work procedure.

The meeting has also given approval to the Social Development Ministry to table the Bill Related to Mobilization of Karnali Province Volunteers in the Province Assembly. The Ministry has prepared a work procedure for mobilizing 229 volunteers in different areas.

Spokesperson of the Karnali Province Government and Minister for Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives, Bimala KC, said that the province cabinet meeting has also given approval, in principle, to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning for formulating the Province Public Property Management Guidelines, the Multi-year Project Operation Guidelines, the Province Monitoring Evaluation Guidelines, the Budget Formulation and Implementation Guidelines and the Bill on Public-Private Partnership, and for amending the Economic Work Procedure Act. RSS