Thailand’s sky to embrace any Nepali airlines

Kathmandu, Nov 3 . With the latest Air Service Agreements (ASA) between Nepal and Thailand coming into force from today, any Nepali Airlines Company now onward could fly their aircraft to Thailand without any hindrances or having to go through a tedious process.

According to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA), the ASA between these two countries was renewed after 47 years of hiatus, opening a new avenue to extension of air services between Nepal and Thailand.

The amended ASA included Grant of Rights, operation of air-services as stipulated by the Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), said the Ministry.

The Ministry is soon to make an official announcement of the new ASA between Nepal and Thailand as the Agreement was signed in Thailand.

MoCTC’s Joint Secretary Suresh Acharya and Thailand’s Director General of Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand, Chula Sukmanop signed the Agreement representing their respective countries.

According to the Agreement, both parties could fly up to 28 flights in each other’s countries in a week with aircraft of any airlines company. The new agreement has also encouraged the Thai party to extend their air-services to other under-construction international airports in the country.

Furthermore, agreement has been made for the both countries not to determine any limitations on the number of the cargo flights to fly in both countries.

Grounded ‘Annapurna’ takes to sky 

Meanwhile, the Wide-Body A 330-200 ‘Annapurna’ Aircraft with call sign 9NALY owned by the Nepal Airlines Corporation that was grounded at Doha of Qatar has started its regular flight from today.

The aircraft that was grounded in Doha for six hours due to technical issues has flown to Nepal with passengers on board after maintenance, shared Corporation’s Deputy-Spokesperson Shailesh Kansakar. RSS

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