Finance Minister claims government is on mission to end absolute poverty

Kathmandu, Aug 17. Finance Minister Dr Yuba Raj Khatiwada has said a campaign would be started to end the absolute poverty by the coming three to four years.

The Finance Minister said this while addressing to the inaugural programme of a workshop on microfinance organised by the Microfinance Association Nepal here today.

He said the government would start the campaign to end this sort of poverty linking poverty with production.

“We are linking poverty with production and skills. We will move ahead on the path of prosperity by ending the absolute poverty,” Finance Minister Khatiwada asserted.

He called on the micro finance institutions to contribute towards ending poverty working together with the local levels, urging them to invest in small businesses to raise the living standard of the poor. He suggested the micro finance institutions to invest in entrepreneurship development and contribute to women empwerment.

Stating that more than 70 per cent of the population of the country is poor and belong to small family, Finance Minister Khatiwada stressed on the need of channelling inbestment for raising their income level. Headdedthat small and medium-scale enterprises have contributed 90 per cent of the GDP.

Although the economy suffered after the 2015 earthquake it has started recovering, he said.

Association president Padamana Shakya said the micro finance institutions would release loans to movilise the resources and skills available in the rural areas. She said the micro finnace institutions were also helping empower the rural women.