Registration of route-permit obtained vehicles by mid-Jan

Kathmandu, July 22 . Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Raghubir Mahaseth has said that those public transport operators obtaining route permit from their respective district administration offices should compulsorily register with the Company Registrar Office by mid-January, 2019.

The Department of Transport Management (DoTM) issued a 10-point Transport Directives on April 1 this year in a bid to end the syndicate system in public transportation sector. As per the Directives, the government has made it mandatory for ‘registration’ while applying for new route permits or changing the route.

At an interaction programme here on Sunday, Minister Mahaseth shared about the newly set timeframe as the Transport Directives had not determined the timeframe for the registration of the vehicles at the Company Registrar Office.
Mahaseth said, “The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Management took the decision on July 15.”

According to him, the registration of the vehicles at the district administration offices are closed since July 17 and those public transport operators’ committees should submit their income and expenditure details to the Department of Transport Management within 35 days.

In a bid to scrap the syndicate of the taxis and regulate the tax services, he shared that registration of those taxis haggling for price with the customers would be scrapped.
Furthermore, the Minister informed that works relating to the upgrdation of the East-West Highway (the earlier self of Mahendra Highway) to four-lane would be started from this fiscal year and it is aimed to be completed by three years.

Similarly, construction works related to the Madan Bhandari Highway would be completed within four years, Madhya-Pahadi Highway in three years and Postal Highway in four years.

On a different note, he claimed that the major opposition party, Nepali Congress, was politicizing Dr Govinda KC’s issue. Dr KC has been staging his 15th hunger strike.