Budget implementation plan soon: Minister Khatiwada

Kathmandu, June 7.  Finance Minister Dr Yuvraj Khatiwada has said the government was ready to work in unison with the private sector for the country’s economic progress.

During a programme organized jointly by Confederation of Nepalese Industries, and Society of Economic Journalists Thursday evening, Minister Khatiwada said private sector had significant role on boosting country’s economy.

“Government wants to accelerate the industrial development by formulating laws necessary for the industries,” he said, adding that a work plan would be formulated for the implementation of the new budget.

According to him, efforts were on to contain the trade deficit. Government was planning to create jobs to half million people by reaching the economic growth to eight percent.
On the occasion, Revenue Secretary at Finance Ministry, Sishir Kumar Dhungana, said government had prioritized the development of entrepreneurs involving women.

Chairperson of CNI, Haribhakta Sharma, urged the government to be more active to create industry friendly atmosphere. The private sector was waiting for government guardianship, he added, pointing out the need of amending the old laws on industrial sector.