0ver 100 yrs old photographs, painting in Tharu Cultural Museum

Ratnangar, Feb 21. The Tharu Cultural Museum and Research Centre at Bachhauli, the nearest Tharu village to Sauraha, has various old assets, photographs and paintings which are major attraction to visitors.

The preservation officer at the museum Basudev Chaudhary shared that the photographs related to hunting of wild animals by then British officials and Rana rulers are also kept there.

Similarly, photographs taken during the malaria eradication campaigns in the Tarai were also kept in the museum. He further shared that Dirgha Man Foundation’s Kiran Chitrakar and Australian, American Universities and US Aid also had provided various photographs to the museum.
He also said that the Nepal Tourism Board had initiated to bring the photographs from US and Australia.

The museum established in 2062 BS has colorful murals and exhibits on artifacts and local dress. The collection is fairly limited, but it’s a must-see for those interested in Tharu culture, the office source said.
According to office, about 15,000 visitors annually visit the museum.

It may be noted that the President Bidya Devi Bhandari while speaking in a programme on Tuesday had opined for developing the museum. RSS