Employees questioned Rastriya Beema Sansthan’s legitimacy

Kathmandu March 15- Insurance for safety of people and their belongings has been customized since ages in the world. In Nepal also, the concept of insurance has come a long way, based on which many state-owned and private insurance companies have emerged in the market. Some of them have made marvelous impression on customers as well as in market. But founded under National Insurance Company Act 2025, foremost state-owned insurance company, Rastriya Beema Sansthan is in mess beyond imagination. Employees of Sansthan have submitted anonymous letter in Prime Minister's office to investigate various illicit and perversities within the organization.

Among various accusations, the most worrying point is that Beema Sansthan has not renewed its license from regulatory body which needs to be updated periodically. As Sansthan is functioning on out-dated license, all its operations automatically become void.

Insiders of organization also accuse the Beema Sansthan of submitting duplicate insurance report since 2003to 2007 which is being given validation by Insurance Committee under pressurization of various agencies.

Similarly, Beema sansthan is accused of involving in reviving work-tenure of those who have already served their terms. In this regard, Chief Administrator Ashwini Thankur whose tenure have expired long ago is still on duty which is against the rule as per National Insurance Organisation Act 2025's sub heading No. 9.