Locals demands to conclude DPR of Nalgadh Hydropower

Kathmandu March 15- Locals of Jajarkot have demanded to finish DPR of Nalgadh Hydropower as soon as possible. Nalagadh committee Jajarkot have stipulated action against hooked DPR process as well as to carry out investigation on corruption tract. Committee has also accused of plotting against the project  delaying for several years.

Chairman of the committee, Ganesh Singh said, if any further delay happens regarding the hydro project that is being constructed in remote area will force the locals of Jajarkot to strike a movement. Locals have submitted appeal letter to Home minister Shakti Bahadur Basnet to forward delayed tasks and settle pending compensation in Dam construction area.

Jajarkot locals were contented when the project was announced as they expected it to be milestone for development of the region but after a series of delaying acts, locals are disappointed and warns people's movement against the Authority.