49 micro hydro projects in Annapurna Conservation Area

Kathmandu March 9- As many as 49 micro hydropower projects are in operation in ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project). Around 15,005KW electricity is produced from projects that have an investment of around Rs 475 million.

According to Conservation Officer Rishi Baral, a total of 533KW electricity is being generated from the 13 micro hydropower projects that are being run with ACAP’s support of 98.6 million rupees. “As many as 2,318 households and 80 hotels have benefited from the power generated from all the projects in the ACAP now,” said Baral, adding, “The money collected in tariff from the locals is being used for repair and maintenance of power projects.”

ACAP chief Lal Prasad Gurung informed that ACAP has been investing in micro-hydropower since 1992. The first of the projects was Ghandruk micro-hydropower project that generates 50KW electricity; the latest one developed with ACAP’s support is the one built in Pasagaun, Lamjung.