Birgunj border blockade not enough to pressure government claims Rajendra Mahato

Kathmandu February 5- Chairperson of Sadbhawana Party Rajendra Mahato said the United Democratic Madhesi Front should either blockade all the border entry points or none.

Of late, the UDMF has been obstructing passage of goods only on Birgunj-Raxaul border entry point and Mahato said it was not enough to pressure government.

He said if the UDMF could not blockade all the border entry points then it should conserve its energy for now to impose blockade at all the entry points later.

Mahato said the UDMF’s calculation that blockade of Birgunj-Raxaul border entry point would force the government to address its demands did not work and only led to black marketing, making people’s lives miserable.

Mahato said the top Madhesi leaders needed to leave Kahmandu and stage sit-in on the border entry points if they wanted to make the ongoing agitation a success.

He said other leaders of the UDMF should have gone to block Biratnagar-Jogbani border entry point after he was injured in police action there.

“Our agitation cannot succeed unless all the top leaders of the UDMF come to Madhes to enforce blockade of all the border entry points,” he said and added that the current mode of the agitation should change.