NBI launches course on AML

Kathmandu January 28- The National Banking Institute (NBI) has launched an online AML/CFT Certificate Course in association with Fintelekt, India with the aim of enhancing the knowledge of the workforce of banks and financial institutions, insurance companies, remittance companies and cooperatives in anti-money laundering and combating financial terrorism.

The course, the first of its kind in Nepal, was launched during the national conference on anti-money laundering organized by the NBI on Wednesday in Kathmandu.

The one-day conference saw the participation of 161 professionals from banks, insurance companies, remittance companies, provident funds, investigating authorities and regulatory bodies.
Inaugurating the conference, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Executive Director Shiva Nath Pandey appreciated the initiative taken by the NBI in organizing such an international level conference with the aim of fighting money laundering collectively.

Rishikesh Bhatta, head of the financial information unit of Nepal Rastra Bank, said that the unit was working to create awareness and have the laws fully enforced.

Shovan Dev Pant, chairman of the NBI, said that the work related to anti-money laundering activities was very challenging to banks and financial institutions.

Former deputy governor of NRB Maha Prasad Adhikari made a presentation on the role of financial institutions and anti-money laundering and combating financial terrorism.