Everest Bank distributing Relief Materials

Kathmandu January 24- As decided by Board of Directors of Everest Bank, the Bank is distributing warm clothes & foods to the school children of earthquake affected areas of Nuwakot and Gorkha. Initially, the bank has identified 6 schools (2 schools in Nuwakot and 4 schools in Gorkha districts with total students of around 1600). This initiative is in continuation of the relief package announced by the Bank immediately after the devastating earthquake. Earlier also, the Bank had donated blankets to the victims through an NGO as an immediate relief measure.


The Bank, on April 2015, had announced a relief package worth 10 million to the earthquake affected, out of which 5 million was immediately donated to the Prime-minister Relief Fund. The remaining funds were being channelized for the rehabilitation of the victims under which different initiatives have already been taken place and still, are being mobilized to the different earthquake affected areas. The names of schools where the warm clothes & foods are being distributed are Sh. Devaki Dharam Lower Secondary School & Sh. Mangla Devi Lower Secondary School from Nuwakot and Sh. Evergreen Masel Boarding School, Sh. Boudha Himal Academy, Sh. Kaal Ratri Secondary School & Sh. Prabhat Kiran Secondary School from Gorkha.


In its efforts to support the affected in the best possible way, the Bank from the very next day provided uninterrupted banking services from almost all of its outlets. Simultaneously, the Bank had also maintained relief accounts both in Nepal & India to collect funds for the relief of the victims. The Bank had also offered free remittance facility to facilitate the inward remittance during that turbulent period.


Presently the Bank is rendering professionalized & efficient banking services through its widest domestic network of 61 branches, 5 Extension Counters, 24 Revenue Collection Counters, 83 ATMs and many correspondents across the globe. The Bank was conferred as “Best Managed Commercial Bank” by Asian Paint New Biz in 2013 as well as the “Highest Tax Payer from Bank & Financial sector” for FY 2068/69.