Kumari bank proposed of 11% bonus share

Kathmandu January 18- BOD meeting of Kumari Bank held on Sunday proposed of 11% bonus share and 0.58% cash dividend for tax provision to its share holders. Bank's paid up capital will increase to Rs. 2 billion 699.1 million once the proposed bonus share is approved.

The proposal is subjected to approval from NRB and forth coming AGM of the bank.

In the current fiscal year, bank has earned 48.6 million net profits till date. Similarly, bank has collected Rs. 34 billion 730 million deposit and lended Rs. 27 billion 460 million.

Bank has bad debt of 2.91%, risky assets of 11.34%, EPS of Rs. 15.16 and P/E ratio of 29.03 times. Market price of share of the bank is rested at Rs. 440 and bank has liquidity ratio is of 32.19 times.

Kumari bank had distributed 1.74% cash dividend and 33% bonus share in the last FY.