AGM of NLG Insurance endorse 21% dividend

Kathmandu January 14- AGM of  NLG insurance has approved 21% dividend from its 10th AGM. AGM held on today has endorsed 17.11% bonus share and 3.93% cash dividend for tax provision.

Company is distributing dividend from the net profit of last FY. Company earned 162.8 million net profit in the FY 2071/72. Company earned Rs. 480 million insurance premium and paid Rs. 217.8 million claims during that period of time.

Right now, the company is serving its customers through its 29 branches, 240 active agensts in Fire insurance, vehicle insurance, agro insurance.

Company has paid up capital of Rs. 341.5 million and reserve of Rs. 104.4 million. Company has earned Rs. 152.8 million in the first quarter of current FY. Company's earning has reached Rs. 217.5 million while its' expenses reached Rs. 64.7 million. Company's insurance premium is Rs. 484.2 million and claims amounts to Rs. 217.8 million.

EPS of company is rested at Rs. 45 and P/E ratio is 12.42 times.