Works on big development projects resume

Kathmandu January 11- Works on big development projects in Dailekh, including two hydropower projects and a Mid-Hill Highway section, have resumed after the government made available necessary fuel.

The government has made available fuel to 20 hydropower projects in different parts of the country that can be completed within a year, including 3.75MW Dwarikhola and 4.2MW Lohorekhola in Dailekh.

Mohan Bikram Karki, director of Bhugol Energy Private Limited, the promoter of Dwarikhola, said the project has sped up the construction works for the past month. He said the project has been receiving 3,000 litres of diesel every week in coordination with Energy and Supply Ministries.

Construction of the powerhouse is in final stages, while 300m out of 3,400m pipeline has been laid, he said, adding the pipeline works would complete in the next six months. “Except for the turbine, almost all other equipment have been transported to the project site.”

Lohorekhola project has also resumed works on dam and powerhouse. Siddhi Shahi Prakash Construction, the contractor, said almost all the preliminary works, including land compensation distribution and environment impact assessment, have been completed.

Besides hydropower, construction of a bridge on the Karnali River has also restarted. The bridge that connects Acchham and Dailekh districts falls along the Mid-Hill Highway and is a national pride project. The work was halted due to the shortage of fuel after India imposed a trade embargo on Nepal.

“As Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has started supplying fuel, we are carrying out the works with an aim of completing the project within this fiscal year,” said Hari Prasad Dhakal, a representative of Kalika Sapana Joint Venture, the project’s contractor. Source: TKP