UDMF forms three-member task force to hold talks

Kathmandu January 6 The United Democratic Madhesi Front (UDMF) on Tuesday formed a three-member task-force to hold talks with the three major political parties over the 11-point demand put forth by it earlier and resolve the Madhes issues.

The task-force includes Hridayesh Tripathi of the Tarai-Madhesh Democratic Party, Rajendra Shrestha of the Federal Socialist Forum-Nepal and Ram Naresh Yadav of Tarai Madhes Sadbhawana Party, according to a statement issued by Mahantha Thakur

The task-force, however, does not include representative from the Sadbhawana Party, which hasunilaterally announced fresh protest programme. The party has announced that it would not take part in any talks unless the government apologizes for the December 26 police action in the Biratnagar border point, in which the party’s chairman, Rajendra Mahato, was injured. Mahato is currently hospitalised in India for treatment.