Overseas labour migration drops by 22.59%

Kathmandu December 23- The number of workers leaving the country for employment has dropped by 22.59 per cent in the first five months of the current fiscal year.

A total of 174,926 Nepalis left the country for overseas job destinations in between mid-July and mid-December, shows the latest report of the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE). In the same period last year, a total of 225,977 Nepalis had left the country for employment purpose.

The number of workers leaving the country for employment purpose fell because of protests in the Tarai, which affected movement of people as a large number of foreign job seekers currently hails from the southern plains.  Also, the weakening Malaysian ringgit worked as a disincentive for workers planning to go to Malaysia, which used to be top destination for Nepali workers till the last fiscal year.

Of the Nepalis who left the country for employment purpose, 165,793, or 95 per cent, were men and the rest were female.

Among these people, 157,521, or 90 per cent, had reached out to manpower agencies to seek placements abroad, shows DoFE report. Source: THT