Nepali team along with 12 tankers leaves for Kerung to fetch granted fuel

Kathmandu Oct 30- A representative team of the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) left for Kerung of China on Friday to receive subsidy petrol China has pledged to Nepal.


 Granted fuel is said to reach the bordering Kerung till Saturday evening, as part of China’s promise to provide 1.3 million litres of petrol as grant.


Total of 12 tankers with capacity of 12,000 litres each have been sent to Kerung to receive the fuel provided by China in first lot.  The fuel tankers would be filled with petrol the same day on Saturday. S


The team includes NOC spokesperson Dipak Baral together with Shiva Prasad Aryal, general secretary of the Federation of the Nepal Petroleum Transport Entrepreneurs,  Khageshwor Bohara, Chairman of the FNPTE and Lilendra Pradhan, chairman of Nepal Petroleum Dealers’ Association.