Police keep close eye on supply of fuel in passenger buses.

Kathmandu October 25- Police have kept an close eye on the supply of petroleum products in passenger buses.


The move follows recent bus accident in Banke, wherein more than half a dozen passengers were burnt to death as the bus caught flames right after the accident 'due to petroleum products being ferried in the bus'.


Inspector Kishor Kumar Dahal at Kanchanpur District Police Office, said that they have tightened the supply of petroleum products in passenger buses to prevent any fire-related road accidents.


Due to shortage of petroleum products in Kathmandu caused by blockade, locals of Kanchanpur send petrol bought in nearby Indian city through passenger buses for their relatives in Kathmandu. Bus entrepreneurs have also blocked transportation of petroleum products after the Banke accident.


Meanwhile, the trend of people supplying petroleum products in passenger buses from various parts of the country to Kathmandu are taking place due to shortage of petroleum products in Nepal, following the restrictions by India on Nepal-India border.