Modi assures to ease flow of goods

Kathmandu Oct 19- Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kamal Thapa met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Monday. During the meeting at the Indian PM’s residence, DPM Thapa took up the issue of easing the Indian unofficial blockade on Nepal with the Indian PM. An official present in the meeting said that Modi assured Thapa to increase the reduced flow of goods through the border points. However, no discussions were held regarding the opening of Raxual border which caters around 60 percent of Nepal’s fuel demands.

The official informed, Modi said Thapa that the values of dimensions in India's relation with Nepal cannot be made broader without addressing the internal problems. Thapa, in response, said the Nepal government had initiated reconciliation efforts and solve the problems. Thapa will return to Kathmandu today wrapping up his three-day official visit to India. Source TKP