Shine resunga development Bank Ltd to give 27% bonus share, paid up capital reach 800 million

Kathmandu October 4- Shine Resunga Bank proposed to give 27% bonus share to its shareholders. BOD meeting held on Friday proposed of 27% bonus share and 1.42% cash dividend. After approval of NRB and AGM of the bank, the proposed dividend will be distriuted to investors.

After distribution of bonus share, bank's paid up capital will increase up to Rs. 804 million. Similarly bank has disclosed its capital acquisition plan to increase paid up capital to Rs. 1billion 200million as per directive of NRB by issuing of bonus shares prioritizing merger and acquisition.

In the FY 2071/72, bank had collected Rs. 6 billion 240 million and lend Rs. 5 billion 260 million. Shine Resunga covers 10 districts with 15 branches and 2 extension counter.