Two gas dealers arrested for LPG gas black marketing

Chitwan October 2- Police arrested two gas dealers for black marketing of LPG gas during the time of scarcity. Police informed that the culprits are being held in police custody in District Police office Chitwan. Krishna Prasad Sapkota from Bharatpur-6 and Dhurba Poudel from Bharatpur 10 are the dealers who got arrested for black marketing.

Krishna Prasad Sapkota runs Chitwan Gas Pvt. Ltd. where he secretly stocked gas cylinders while there is an extreme scarcity in consumers' level.  He is also accused of charging excess price than market price of a  gas cylinder.

According to police, Sapkota was arrested red handedly selling gas cylinders for Rs. 5000. Police found 10 hidden gas cylinders from his place. Similarly, next kin Dhurba Poudel was also arrested in the same ground with 5 hidden gas cylinders. They will be charged for  black marketing.