NEPSE experience downfall with the news of blockade by India

Kathmandu, September 22. The index of Nepalese Stock Exchange, NEPSE has dropped by 39.94 points to 1156 points this afternoon after the news of blockade by India broke out. The Share Market was open for first time after the promulgation of Constitution. The sensitive index of 'A' listed company rose by 9.93 points to 293.54 points.

NEPSE continuously declined right after the opening on Tuesdayafternoon. It was against the investor's expectation.  Investor were expecting a rise in  NEPSE indexes after the stability offered by the  Constitution. According to Narendra Raj Sijapati Ex-President of Stock Broker Association, NEPSE index decline due to the news ofblockade by India and also due to the the rejection of Constitution by certain group in the country. NEPSE is also negatively affected by Terai bandh.

Today NEPSE marked transaction above 530 million with 8 lakhs, 36 thousand, 7hundred and 86 share units of  129 companies listed in NEPSE.  

Sub-indexes of NEPSE recorded a diminishing trend in most of the sectors. In this regard, Banking sector have declined by 4.24%, development bank by 2.08%, Hydro Projects by 21%, Insurance sector by 3.45%, Finance group by 0.73%, Hotel group by 3% and others 1.19%. Surprisingly, Manufacture and Production group recorded increment of 15%.

Nepal Bangladesh Bank stood front in terms of transaction amounts to Rs.42 million, Nepal Investment Bank's Promoter Share became first runner up with RS 35 million worth of transaction, and Janata Bank came third on the list with the transaction of Rs. 31 million. Janata Bank also tops the position in number of shares transacted which was 89476 units of shares. Investors of National Insurance Company's promoter share, Mirmire Micro Finance, and Sindhu Development Bank gained maximum while Hama Merchant, Supreme Development Bank and Himalayan Bank Limited recorded maximum loss.