KIOSK self-servicing machine introduce by Sanima bank

Kathmandu, July-26 Sanima Bank has introduced KIOSK self-servicing machine for the first time in the Nepalese Banking Industry.

According to the press released on Friday, with the view to provide customer friendly services to its Sanima Bank has introduced self-service KIOSK machine to its customers for the first time in the Nepalese banking industry.

 Customers of Sanima can now take array of banking services from KIOSK at its Head office, Alakapuri, Naxal. Amidst a ceremony, Chairman of Sanima Bank Mr. Binaya Kumar Shrestha inaugurated the machine.

KIOSK currently provides services such as cheque deposit and statement printing/viewing and information related to banking products and services including branch and ATM location. Bank has a plan to add more services like cheque book request, stop payment, balance transfer, mobile top up etc. in future.

With the introduction of KIOSK customers of the Bank can now complete their transaction with short turnaround time. Bank has planned provide service of KIOSK from branches in future.