NRB published share market analysis report of this year

 kathmandu, June-21 Nepal Rastrya bank has published its share market analysis report of 10 months. According to the report of NRB , Nepse has given return of 10.9% to its investors. With close at 938.2 at the end of Baishak Nepse was able to give that return this year whereas in previous year it maintained to close at 852.1level.

Market capitalization of 2071/72 has increased by 10.9% with total amount of Rs 9 kharba 53 arba with compare to previous year.

During the time of report preparation the contribution of the sub-indices are as  Banking and insurance sector 78 %, Hydropower 6.9%, Hotel 2.7%, Manufacturing & Production 2.7%, trading 0.9%, and others 9.5 % .

Till date the number of listed companies in Nepal stock exchange is 232 which is less than previous year because of the merger of the many banks. Among 232 listed companies , 118 banking and insurance companies, 18 manufacturing and production,  4 hotels ,4 trading houses ,6 hydropower and 2 among others.