Gulmi ddc budget 2.62 billion

Dhurkot, March 7 – The District Development Committee Gulmi has approved a budget of Rs. 2.62 billion for the Fiscal Year 2014/15.


The seventh district council of Gulmi on Thursday endorsed the budget of 2 billion 628 million for the coming fiscal year.


The budget includes that of the DDC, thematic offices, NGOs and Cooperatives, according to the DDC.



Tabling the budget, Local Development Officer Hari Prasad Gyawali appealed for support of all political parties, government and non-government organizations, users committee and the people of Gulmi in implementing the budget.


As per the budget estimates, the DDC targets to collect Rs. 15 million through internal sources and Rs. 510 million from the government, donors and other sources.


The DDC had made an income of Rs. 475 million in the previous fiscal year. RSS