Over Rs 10 million for one km road section

Darchula, Feb. 24 – Over Rs 10 million has been spent for the construction of one kilometre Khalanga-Khar road section in the district.


The Decentralized Infrastructure and Rural Livelihood Project (DIRLP) has provided the financial assistance to construct the road section and over Rs 10 million has been spent for one kilometre road section so far but has not been completed yet, it is learnt.


There are various obstacles to construct the road in hilly region therefore, the road section has also become costly, project sources said.


Likewise, three contractor companies and two users' committee have been assigned to construct the second phase of the road section and Rs110.4 million has been estimated for the purpose.


It is noted that Rs 130.5 million has been already spent to construct the first phase of the road section, project sources said.  The road section is 18.62 kilometres long.