Butwal Municipality unveils budget of around Rs.410 million

Butwal, Feb 11 – The Butwal Municipality has unveiled a budget of around Rs. 410 million for the upcoming fiscal year 2014/15.


According Executive Chief of the Municipality, Baburam Gautam, out of 409.830 million budget, Rs. 104.876 million has been allocated towards current expenditure  and Rs. 89.742 million towards capital expenditure.


Similarly, the Municipality has estimated to make Rs. 120.963 million income from internal sources and Rs. 273.840 million income from external sources, said Gautam.


As per the external income, Rs. 155.4 million will be the government grant, Rs. 15.5 million grant of the District Development Committee, Rs. 15 million towards bank deposit and Rs. 107.8 million under other grants and loan.


There will be Rs. 100 million rupees income towards the Medium Urban Integrated Urbanization Environmental Improvement Project and Rs. 2 million towards Urbanization Health Centre, it is learnt.


Similarly, the Municipality has allocated Rs. 93.271 million towards consumption expenses, Rs. 9.8 million towards service expenses, Rs. 1.85 million towards capacity development programme, Rs. 215.185 million towards return expenditure and Rs. 35.2 million towards infrastructure development programme.


Under the Infrastructure development programme, the Municipality has estimated that Rs. 35.2 million will be spent on different topics including road and transportation, garbage management and complete sanitation and promotion of art, culture and literature, among others.