Bouddha Stupa getting facelift after 15 years

Sundarijal, Jan 16 – Works have started on renovation and painting at the Bouddhanath Stupa, a world heritage site, after fifteen years.


The Bouddhanath Area Development Committee under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism started the renovation works and painting the Buddha temple.


Under the renovation works, the outer layer of plaster of Paris on the dome of the Stupa would be scrapped off and a new coat of paint applied after plastering the dome. Paint is being used this time instead of the plaster of Paris as it was found that the temple had started to tilt due to the use of the plaster of Paris in the past, Sampurna Kumar Lama, Chairman of the Committee, said.


He said the renovation and painting will cost four million rupees.


The committee also plans to construct modern rest rooms and toilets at two more places in the Bouddhanath area taking into consideration the difficulty faced by tourists. The toilets would be constructed at a cost of Rs 2.5 million.


The committee has also allocated budget of Rs. 3.1 million for installing a 7.5-feet-tall statue of the Guru Rinpochhe Padma Shambhava at the local Ghilisang Peace Park.