Migratory birds unsafe at Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

Janakpurdham, Jan. 6 – Migratory birds including those from Siberia coming to the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve in the winter are not safe. Many migrant birds flock here from Mongolia, Russia, China and Siberia usually in November to avoid cold and in search of food in the winter. They normally stay here until five months.


 But, it is revealed that use of pesticides in crops has been the cause of their death. People living near the reserve buffer zone use pesticides on crops and the migratory birds that eat such crops die, according to Reserve assistant protection officer Jhaulai Chaudhary.


  Many tourists and ornithologists from Hong Kong, China, Britain, Pakistan, the Netherlands and Europe visit the reserve to study and watch birds. Tourist arrival has been a good source of income for the reserve. Tourist arrival is likely to be affected if the migratory birds are not protected on time.  Besides, these birds are also attacked and killed by the locals.