A ballot paper to cost Rs. 5.18

Kathmandu, Oct 5 – A ballot paper to be used for the November 19 CA elections will cost Rs. 5.18 in printing.


This is reportedly Rs. 1. 50 costlier than the ballot paper used for the first CA elections in 2008.


Some 30 million ballot papers for the proportional representation (PR) and first-past-the-post (FPTP) election are being printed by the Janak Education Materials Limited.


The printing of the ballot papers—light red for PR and light blue for FPTP will begin tomorrow, said Joint-secretary at the Election Commission Maheswor Neupane.


Sample ballot paper used in by-elections 2009 in Morang Constituency-5. Courtesy: Election Commission


The number of parties taking part in the PR system of the CA elections 2013 is 124 while the ballot paper of the FPTP will depend on the number of candidates vying for the 240 constituencies.


The printing work is expected to be completed by November 8.


The ballot papers will then be transported to the respective district headquarters.


The ballot papers will then be transported from the district headquarters to the respective polling centres under the coordination of the respective Chief District Officer, according to Joint-secretary Neupane.