Nepal may face petroleum products crisis during Dashain

Kathmandu, Sep 21 – Nepal Oil corporation(NOC)'s debt is increasing day by day. Though NOC hiked the petroleum products price twice a month loss has not yet decreased. NOC's debt to IOC has reached to 5 arba and 60 crore rupees.


NOC is yet to pay 2 arba and 40 crore rupees as new payment and remaining as a old debt to IOC.


IOC has showed a symptoms to cut the petroleum products export to Nepal very soon if it does not pay the debt. Though Nepal government two weeks earlier told to provide 2 arba rupees to NOC, it has not provided yet.


NOC whose monthly payment is getting higher has already started to import petroleum products in less quantity in market.


In case NOC doesnot clear the debt soon, Nepal is sure to face the petroleum products crisis during the time of upcoming festival Dashain.