Red Bull Cash full handovers Rs 1 lac to winner

Kathmandu, August 27 – Red Bull Cash Full promotion scheme has awarded cash prize of Rs 1 lakh To Jaya Kumar Adhikari of Jhapa. He had bought a Red Bull from Jhapa Cyampa Bazar, and has been declared the  winner.


The director of Red Bull Paul Olivier Claudepierre  has handover Rs 1,00,000 to Adhikari today. Adhikari is the 8th winner for 100,000 cash.


Consumers can find the cash prize printed under the pull-off ring on the lid of a Red Bull can. The lucky winners must call 01-4444444 to claim the price.


The programme organized today for handover of the cash prize informed, 'since the launch of the promotional scheme more than 1200 lucky winners across Nepal have claimed additional prices of of Rs 1000, Rs 5000, Rs 10,000, Rs 20,000 and Rs 100,000'.