Bird flu in Kavre:8 crore loss

Banepa, August 15 – The extension of bird flu in Kavre district has caused poultry farmers to bear loss of 8 crore rupees.


The senior veterinarian Harikumar Raghu Shrestha(District livestock department) has informed that bird flu made around 50 lakhs of loss in Ram Dhakal's poultry firm. Similarly the poultry firm in Janagal VDC and Mahendra Jyoti VDC's two firms of Ashapuri firms has faced loss of 50 lakhs.


Shrestha said that birdflu has affected kavre's firm because of its nearness with Bhaktapur districts which is declared as a emergency zone.


As per Shrestha Nepal hatchery's 15 thousands 2 hundreds and 70 chickens along with 11 thousands 7 hundred and 43 eggs were destroyed.


Similarly Ashapuri hatchery's 6 thousands 6 hundred and 70 chickens, 1600 kg of grains and 3 thousands 185 eggs were destroyed.