Mega posted profit around 18 crore Nrs.

Kathmandu, 14 – Mega bank limited posted a net profit of 17 crore and 74 lakhs rupees on fiscal year 2069/070. Bank showed a significant growth by 147 percent as compared to last year’s 7 crore 18 lakhs rupees.


Mega has maintained its income per share by 7.61 rupees. Bank has its net worth per share of 114.24 rupees.


Mega has increased the provision for bad debt by 8 crore and 61 lakhs. The increased provision has affected bad debt to raise by 2.27 percent which was at 0.49 percent last year. It has posted net interest income with a increase of 74% and reached to 67 crore and 96 lakhs rupees.


Bank has increased deposit collection by 36.34 percentage to 12 arba and 53 crore rupees. Bank has 33 crore 18 lakhs rupees in its provision fund.