19th Intl. Co-operative Day being Marked

Kathmandu, July 6 – The 91th International Co-operative Day is being celebrated annually today. UN International Day of Co-operatives is celebrated on the same day as the International Co-operative Day which has been celebrated by the International Co-operative alliance (ICA) since 1923.


On the occasion, National Co-operative Association organized a special programme at World Trade Centre(WTO) in Tipureshwor. During the programme, chairman of interim election commisiion –  khil Raj Regmi had his special announcement.


According to Regmi, "Co-operatives have supported for the economic development of the nation". he also expressed his view regarding role of co-operatives in transforming the economic development of the state.


Co-operative in nepal was established first at chaitra 13, 2020 BS. At the present Nepal has more than 27 thousands cooperatives.

