Banks on strict process to capture assets for Aunction sale

Kathmandu, June 8 – Bank and financial organizations are capturing the share and assets of the NB group as an aunction sale. Banks are taking the step after NB group did not pay debt even after request of banks since long time.


Bank is about to anction the share of Jas shrestha of NCC Bank, Jen shrestha's 97 thousands unit share, Jibesh shrestha's 1lakh 39 thousands 5 hundred units of share respectively.


Likewise NDP is on process to Aunction NB's share and Nepal credit and commerce share.


NDP will capture 3 lakhs 43 thousands 47 units of share of the group member. Among the mentioned no. of share 1 lakhs 19 thousands 8 hundreed and  60 units of share belongs to NB Bank. The Group member has taken marginLending  loan from the bank.


The debtors have been already mentioned in blacklist of loan information center. Bank has mentioned the name of NB group, Bikash Shrestha, Purna Shrestha, Laxmi Bahadhur shrestha, Shangrila investment pvtlimited, Bishant shrestha, Binu shrestha and Jibesh shrestha for not paying the debt.


They are accused of taking loan using 4 different land areafrom lalitpur and house of 2 and half floor as a securities to get loan. Under the pressure of Rastra Bank, Bangaladeshi IAIC Bank has bought the share. They have sold the shares of 1 arba rupees. 

