DFO provides financial support for conservation of red panda efforts

Illam, June 2 – The District Forest Office (DFO), Ilam, has provided financial support to the Jamuna-based community forest in Ilam district for the conservation of the red panda population.

The DFO has provided Rs. 100,000 to make arrangements for the conservation of Red Panda at Choyatar Community Forest area.

The Choyatar Community Forest Users' Committee would spend the money for the conservation of water sources, plant its food, and for other conservation efforts.

According to the Committee, it is estimated that there are around 15 Red Pandas in the 200 hectares forest area where 133 households are dependant.

Various non-government organizations including Red Panda Network, the Mountain Institute (TMI), and others are working to conserve the Red Panda population.

The Red Panda is found in Choyatar, Chhintapu, Kage, Bikhe, Jarbute, and Maimajhuwa, among other areas, stated the DFO, Ilam.

Red Panda loves to eat Malingo, Bhaluchinde, and Tenga among other reeds and herbs for food and mainly lives in caves and tree holes.